Interview Karlheinz Brandenburg @ Highend audio fair Munich 2015

When BR was once exhibitor to the Highend audio fair at MOC Munich in 2015, I also managed to get Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Brandenburg (commonly labelled as ‚the inventor of mp3‘) into the ‚audiophile’s lions den‘ (as he put it).

His lecture on „The Brain, Auditory Perception and the Search for the Perfect Illusion“ was highly regarded, resulted in a full house and – of course – very enlightening.

Later that day I had a chance to recap with Prof. Brandenburg on his insights in this interview.

It was held in German, but you may add English (or German) subtitles for accessibility.

Sony’s 360 Reality Audio VS Dolby Music

Quelle: wb

screenshot SONY 360 Reality Audio Webpage

Quelle: wb

screenshot: Dolby Music Webpage

The immersive music race is on. At CES 2020 two new initiatives to deliver music personalized in 3D audio have courted for attention: Sony’s 360 Reality Audio and Dolby Music. And it seems that we’ll be facing again a format war with partners and allies gathered in different camps, as it was some 20 years ago, when the rivalling DVD-Audio and SACD were launched to get 5.1 Surround Sound into the living room. Weiterlesen

Epen-Mythen – Die Reportage für das Goethe-Institut

GI-PodcastQuelle: wbFür das Goethe-Institut habe ich ich noch eine Reportage über die EPEN-MYTHEN-Tournee von PASSACAGLIA durch Zentralsten produziert.

A report from PASSACAGLIA’s EPICS & MYTHS-Tour in Central Asia

Das Epen-Mythen-Projekt technisch: Mobil bloggen, Beitrag machen, Konzerte mitschneiden

Quelle: wbSchon in einem frühen Planungsstadium entstand die Idee, das Epen-Mythen Projekt für den BR cross-medial anzulegen: Für’s Radio und als Blog. Damit schlüpft man gleichzeitig in verschiedene Rollen: Reporter, Blogger, Fotograf, Videojournalist und Toningenieur. Wie’s gedacht war und dann funktionierte, wird hier ausführlich beschrieben . . Weiterlesen