These days mark the 30th anniversary me working with DAWs.
Early May 1994 I had acquired an Apple Macintosh Quadra 650 to kick it off….
Radio und Hifi: 95 Jahre guter Ton
Quelle: wbEs wird ein bisschen vergessen. Aber eigentlich feiern wir gerade 95 Jahre öffentlicher Rundfunk in Deutschland. Das Radio hat auch die Entwicklung der Audiotechnik vorangetrieben. Aufnahme, Verbreitung und Wiedergabe sind heute enorm perfektioniert. Ein Rückblick auf Geschichte, Bestandsaufnahme der Gegenwart und Ausblick auf Zukunft des Mediums.
(zuerst publiziert 2014 – angepasst 2019)
45 Jahre Kunstkopfstereofonie – Vergangenheit mit Zukunft? (2018)
Quelle: BR Historisches ArchivVor 45 Jahren wurde mit „Demolition“ die Kunstkopfstereophonie im Radio eingeführt. Das Hörfunkprogramm Bayern2 des BR wiederholt aus diesem Anlass diesen spannenden und packend umgesetzte Science-Fiction-Krimi am 29. September um 15:05.
In den 80er Jahren schwand dann das Interesse an der Technik. Jetzt aber wird sie wieder interessant: Die Digitaltechnik ermöglicht heute neue Ansätze, das Raumklangerlebnis via Kopfhörer zur transportieren. Aber vor allem: Hörgewohnheiten und Mediennutzung bieten jetzt bessere Voraussetzungen …
Return of the Dummies – New appoach to head related stereo
It was 40 years ago today…that dummy head stereo was first introduced in broadcast audio production. But like quadrophony, it shares the fate as forgotten premature analogue technology. Now a comeback seems around the corner, freshly coined as HRTF, Binaural or Immersive Audio. And you don’t even need dummies to create virtual spatial sound…
Interview Karlheinz Brandenburg @ Highend audio fair Munich 2015
When BR was once exhibitor to the Highend audio fair at MOC Munich in 2015, I also managed to get Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Brandenburg (commonly labelled as ‚the inventor of mp3‘) into the ‚audiophile’s lions den‘ (as he put it).
His lecture on „The Brain, Auditory Perception and the Search for the Perfect Illusion“ was highly regarded, resulted in a full house and – of course – very enlightening.
Later that day I had a chance to recap with Prof. Brandenburg on his insights in this interview.
It was held in German, but you may add English (or German) subtitles for accessibility.
Sony’s 360 Reality Audio VS Dolby Music

screenshot SONY 360 Reality Audio Webpage

screenshot: Dolby Music Webpage
The immersive music race is on. At CES 2020 two new initiatives to deliver music personalized in 3D audio have courted for attention: Sony’s 360 Reality Audio and Dolby Music. And it seems that we’ll be facing again a format war with partners and allies gathered in different camps, as it was some 20 years ago, when the rivalling DVD-Audio and SACD were launched to get 5.1 Surround Sound into the living room. Weiterlesen
Net Neutrality and Public Service Broadcasting (from the archives)
Quelle: screenshot The following analysis was originally published on EBU’s EBUZZ platform in May 2013, shortly after German Telekom announced plans to end unlimited flatrates on DSL. Thus goaded, I started to think about possible relations and consequences for public service broadcasters – and their audience….
It stirred some discussion and activities within the broadcasting community. But unfortunately, the article is no longer available on the net, as EBU apparently has a fairly short MDD (minimum durability date) for reasons whatsoever. Therefore I put it up here again. Eventhough I amended and marked some things to make it clear: This is 2013! – please consider it being „historic“ in many other respects, too – evenmore in the light of the recent decision of European Parliament to enable an internet, with rules, that…
„….will threaten innovation, free speech and privacy, and compromise Europe’s ability to lead in the digital economy“ (Tim Berners-Lee)
A walk with Henry Steinway through Steinway Hall (1996)

picture: Wikimedia – CC BY-SA 3.0
On the occasion of Henry Ziegler Steinway’s 100th birthday, here’s is a document from my archive. This is a „binaural walk“ though Steinway Hall New York, which was from 1925 until the end of 2014 the center of the Steinway universe, located on 57th West Street New York, opposite of Carnegie Hall. A magic place of music history, you realized immediately, having entered through the door, leaving behind the noisy street…