Net Neutrality and Public Service Broadcasting (from the archives)

NetNeutralWorldQuelle: screenshot The following analysis was originally published on EBU’s EBUZZ platform in May 2013, shortly after German Telekom announced plans to end unlimited flatrates on DSL. Thus goaded, I started to think about possible relations and consequences for public service broadcasters – and their audience….

It stirred some discussion and activities within the broadcasting community. But unfortunately, the article is no longer available on the net, as EBU apparently has  a fairly short MDD (minimum durability date) for reasons whatsoever. Therefore I put it up here again. Eventhough I amended and marked some things to make it clear: This is 2013! – please consider it being „historic“ in many other respects, too – evenmore in the light of the recent decision of European Parliament to enable an internet, with rules, that…

„….will threaten innovation, free speech and privacy, and compromise Europe’s ability to lead in the digital economy“ (Tim Berners-Lee)


SOUND NOW & NEXT: Live from the BBC

BBC - old + newQuelle: wbI’m here at the famous and beautiful art deco BBC Radio Theatre in (the old) Broadcasting House for Sound Now & Next, a two day conference organized by BBC R&D. So it’s all about sound: surround, immersive, interactive. the present and the future of the medium. A thrilling program presented by a very charming and very competent presenter, musician and composer, LJ Rich, doing a fabulous job, whipping the supposedly nerdy sound engineer and creators bunch of people . . .


Das Epen-Mythen-Projekt technisch: Mobil bloggen, Beitrag machen, Konzerte mitschneiden

Quelle: wbSchon in einem frühen Planungsstadium entstand die Idee, das Epen-Mythen Projekt für den BR cross-medial anzulegen: Für’s Radio und als Blog. Damit schlüpft man gleichzeitig in verschiedene Rollen: Reporter, Blogger, Fotograf, Videojournalist und Toningenieur. Wie’s gedacht war und dann funktionierte, wird hier ausführlich beschrieben . . Weiterlesen